Tag  |  sickness

true contentment

Whenever a friend succeeds,” Gore Vidal once said, ”a little something in me dies.” The words are sad, because a life lived in envy leaves little room for joy. But don’t Vidal’s words reflect our own feelings at times?

Every person who longs to be married knows that sinking feeling when yet another friend becomes engaged. Every childless couple feels…

jimmy joy

When my friend Jimmy’s cancer returned for the fourth time, he made a choice. Though he knew the path ahead would be difficult (another invasive, painful surgery inside his lung), he strove to bring glory to God. So during his week-long, post-operative stay in the hospital, he greeted the doctors and nurses (and anyone who entered his room) with a…

ultimate healing

What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited . . .
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot destroy peace.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot suppress memories.
It cannot invade the soul.
It cannot steal eternal life.
It cannot conquer the spirit.
—Author Unknown

I love those words. They beautifully reflect the truth found…

sacred sickness

So here I sit in my sweatpants. Not exactly the corporate casual attire we usually wear in the office. That’s because—due to sickness—I’ve been out of the office the past two days. I picked up a “bug” that my body has been battling. It’s not a big deal—far from what I experienced during the three times I’ve gone toe-to-toe with…

what matters most

I’ll never forget the time a friend phoned me after he had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. He was so pumped about all the things that were becoming clear to him, and he wanted help in writing a book that he could share with others.

My friend could hardly contain his excitement. He was so stoked that it was…

does anyone care?

Those who have suffered severe loss often lament that their day of tragedy seemed like a normal day for everyone else. On the day they were fired, learned of their cancer, discovered their spouse was unfaithful, or held a child as she died—on that very day other people went about their business as usual. My divorce is final! My beloved…

perfect condition—please take

Allie is a new member of a small group of believers who meet weekly. She began visiting a few months ago when a friend invited her to come so they could pray for her and support her in her battle with cancer. Allie has since received significant healing, and she has taken steps toward discovering the God who heals.


He still heals

Several years ago, a woman in our church received news that no pregnant mother wants to hear: “Your baby has Down syndrome.” The diagnosis was unnerving and the prognosis was bleak. The family called the elders to pray for healing. We had the privilege to anoint the mother and pray that God would supernaturally intervene. Several months later the mother…


Let's talk about tomorrow—today. What will your tomorrow be like?

Tomorrow could bring death. From the moment we're born, we're dying. Someone has said that death is one appointment you may postpone, but can't cancel (see Psalm 89:47-48).

Tomorrow could bring about sickness (Job 14:1-2). We desire a healthy life. But we have to deal with the fickleness of life and our…

the swine flu and you

Here’s hoping it doesn’t come to this, but Martin Luther offers some timely advice in his open letter, Whether One May Flee From a Deadly Plague. The Bubonic Plague came to Wittenberg in 1527, and Luther responded by closing the university and sending his students home.

When concerned citizens asked how Christians should act during this epidemic, Luther said that…

the big "C" . . .

dscf0380Cancer is a word none of us like to say. It's a word we would rather not think about. As a three-time cancer survivor, I've been forced to consider its effects. One thing God has taught me through my cancer is to have greater empathy for what others are going through. He's taught me a lot about perspective—what to sweat…

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